Friday 8 April 2011

Raptors are cool. Especially Frank. *UPDATED* *UPDATED EVEN MORE*

Who doesn't have an obsession with raptors?

I was trying to figure out something to draw so I was going to draw a guy standing next to a time series about Justin Bieber's fans decreasing. I drew the guy but I accidentally made his hands into a weird mangled raptor shape, and I was like "OMGGG!!!! IT'S A MO'F***ING RAPTOR!!!! LOVVVVE!!!!"

So that is how Frank came to be.

< Frank

P.S. The picture I was meant to draw will not be far away!

UPDATE: Here's the picture I promised!!! 'tis so true!!

Raptor smiles at Justin Bieber's misfortune.

ANOTHER UPDATE: I just realised that one of my other posts relates to my above pictures! See the awesome post here 'tis so true!

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I am totally capable of finding you, because I'm creepy like that...