Friday, 8 April 2011


I never realised but my cats are weird. Now I don't mean, "HA! They like fish!" sorta weird I mean "They should be put into a cat mental asylum!" weird.

Freebie: This is my gorgeous fluffy ginger and white cat at my mum's house. He is spastic. Whenever I feed him he meows like his tail is on fire! Also when you rub his belly he licks your fingers, it tickles. Freebie moults all over my school uniform making me look like a yeti.

Indie: Indie moves like she's in the Indie 500. She is a Burman. And fluffy. Indie finds it funny to crawl under my duvet at 2am and start licking my toes! She also picks herself bald, but at the moment she is fluffy and gorgeous (I have forgiven her about the toes incident)

Rosie: I am not calling myself a cat. My grandma's cat is actually called Rosie, although we usually call her Fluffy or Gorgeous (even though she is not fluffy but she is gorgeous). My cousin named her, because originally my grandma had two cats: Rosie and Patra. Rosie = Roseanna, Patra = Patricia & Cleo (like Cleopatra) but Patra ran away about two years after we got her. That makes me sad.
Penny: Penny is evil. She scratches and bites and meows. DO NOT GET SUCKED INTO HER CUTENESS!!! IT DISAPPEARS!!!!!! NB. I do not have any photographs of the She-Devil. Once I do I will show you...if i survive....

My cats are retarded. Deal with it.

UPDATE: I found a picture of Penny on my sister's camera here it is:

Her eye is twitching sending mental messages to you saying "I will kill youuuuuuuu........"

ANOTHER UPDATE: My cats are being retards again....

< my headhones under Penny

< Penny behind the couch , up against the bookshelf

<< stretchy cat <3

<My phone being sat on by Rosie cat.

At the same time Penny was sitting on my headphones, Rosie was sitting on my phone, how crazy??!?!

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I am totally capable of finding you, because I'm creepy like that...