Friday 17 June 2011

Voila! La Grande Opening...

Gather round, gather round...

This is the grand RE-Opening of Indeed Geese are Awesome! Yup, New Banner, New Background-ish, ummm....yeah thats it.... .O.

YAY! Sandwich lives to see another lunchtime!! :D joy to the world!!

Friday 10 June 2011

More Updating??!! .O.

Ok, don't freak out but for a week or two or three I am going to RE-VAMP 'Indeed Geese Are Awesome'

So don't die of anxiety or evil midgets descending on your ham sandwiches (more so the latter)


And I'll be back soon!!

Love Rosie xoxo


I am writing because it is raining and yucky and i have to go and watch my netball team play in the rain maybe...? Anyway I was so bored so I have like 5 tabs that I'm not doing anything with...


My morning consists of ZM-listening, Blogging, Waiting for it to STOP RAINING!!, Facebook, Strumming the Google Doodle Guitar ( ), Charging my I-Pod, Eating Apple :), and existing....


Euuuuuuurgh....I just heard the "Friday" song by Rebecca Black ( , briefly advertised on the radio!! I repeat: Euuuuuuurgh.... anyway, while I was looking for the Rebecca Black song on you tube I remembered about a parody lip sync I saw at my friend Isobelle's  ( house AGES ago!! Any ways (Jeez I say 'Anyways' a lot!!!), here's the lip sync parody - thing....

This is seriously funny and it has been done so well!!!

Thank You mystical being that brought us this parody-funny-laugh-awesome!!!

Saturday 28 May 2011

Squishy things are Awesome

I have come to the conclusion that squishy things are awesome.

Don't argue. EVER.

I'm bored...again...

OK do not think me weird, I was bored ... more than once ...

One day I was UBER (yes, I just used the word 'uber') bored and I went onto Moshi Monsters, yes, Moshi Monsters ... je regrete ... and I 'adopted' a monster. Yup, I'm not joking I did.

This is Phil, my monster.

Isn't he cute?? He is a Katsuma (kaht-soo-mah),

I feel like a bit of a geek with all this knowledge of Moshi Monsters but I assure you I was really bored, I was even bored of watching I.G.G.Y. (I'm Gonna Get You - that's what it stands for...) eat my cursor

So I went back on and adopted a friend for Phil.

This is Greg.

He is FANTABULOUS! ... so now Phil and Greg are friends YAY FOR CYBER-MONSTER-FRIENDS!!

All is well in Monstro City (Good God I do sound like a geek!!!!)

Saturday 14 May 2011

My sister is a dinosaur.

Yesterday I drew a picture of my sister and decided to turn it into a dinosaur. She swore revenge and I ended up as a leprechaun. Anyway, on with the post...

This is Patricia,

Now she is not. She is a raptor. Except not as cool. JOKES!


If you visit my blog often (who am I kidding?) then you will realise that I have changed quite a few things; I have re-arranged my things on the side, I have changed some of the colours, I have got rid of my banner (*le gaspe!*), and I have added a reactions poll, so if my posts are awesome, then click the box that has "awesome"written next to it, if you think I'm under the influence of alcohol then, yeah ... (I am not a drunk blogger, if that's what you think!)

Anyway, with all these changes, it is still the same blog with awesome-ness (I hope) but just modified.

I will leave you for now with this picture of a dinosaur:
rawr x