Friday 10 June 2011


I am writing because it is raining and yucky and i have to go and watch my netball team play in the rain maybe...? Anyway I was so bored so I have like 5 tabs that I'm not doing anything with...


My morning consists of ZM-listening, Blogging, Waiting for it to STOP RAINING!!, Facebook, Strumming the Google Doodle Guitar ( ), Charging my I-Pod, Eating Apple :), and existing....


Euuuuuuurgh....I just heard the "Friday" song by Rebecca Black ( , briefly advertised on the radio!! I repeat: Euuuuuuurgh.... anyway, while I was looking for the Rebecca Black song on you tube I remembered about a parody lip sync I saw at my friend Isobelle's  ( house AGES ago!! Any ways (Jeez I say 'Anyways' a lot!!!), here's the lip sync parody - thing....

This is seriously funny and it has been done so well!!!

Thank You mystical being that brought us this parody-funny-laugh-awesome!!!

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I am totally capable of finding you, because I'm creepy like that...