Friday, 8 April 2011

Geese are Awesome. You Aren't. *UPDATED*

OK. I was joking in the title. You're awesome. I SAID YOU'RE AWESOME GET OFF MY BACK!!!!
....errrrm....right... well, i have decided while listening to Skillet (best f***ing band EVER!) to create a blog, so I did, so I'm going to post random crap and you're going to like it...aren't you... *stares intensely* yes you are because you're awesome!

I think I might explain my title a bit, other wise you'll be all like "WTF Rosie? Geese? Aren't they weird?" Yes, yes they are. But they are Awesome. Awesome with a capital 'A'.

Anyway, I just realised the Goose i drew on my banner has no legs. Poor Goose.

Two years ago I started Theatre Sports (an improv-y sort of drama) and there was another Rosie. It was so confusing I was like "WTF? THIS FREAK HAS MY NAME!!!?!?? I'M SO CONFUSED BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU'RE TALKING TO GEORGIA!!!!!!!! GO DIEEEEEE OTHER ROSIE!!!!!!" But Hannah (she was in charge of theatre sports) had a brilliant idea! one of us was to be called 'Goose' and the other 'Duck' (like 'duck, duck, goose' if you're really that slow!!) so Rosie and I were christened Duck and Goose (me being Goose (AWESOME!)). That name has kinda stuck...I play hockey and my name (Roseanna) is really a mouthful to say when you're yelling at me to pass the ball so then my name got shortened to 'Rosie' but the Rosie-Clone played hockey as well so that didn't work. Instead I made the mistake of telling everyone to call us 'Duck' and 'Goose'. Three words. Worst. Day. Ever. My coach would honk at me whenever I tried to talk to her. Grrrrrrrrrrr!!!!

So now I'm known as Goose, or Rosie, or Rosieanna (die Gracie), or Roseanna.



  1. I refuse to die... again...
    You forgot Goosie-Pops.
    Miss Stephens is freaking awesome for honking at you and you know it!
    And geese are unimportant.
    Meanwhile, someone's demise due to winged rats is epic, and the blog is too.
    If you don't agree, I won't ever give you the Awesome Award.


    An Garry, I deserve the awesome award. You should give it to me. I will make an honorary blog post in honour of the awesome award...


I am totally capable of finding you, because I'm creepy like that...